The growing trend of utilizing Polished Concrete Floors as a
design element for retail & residential flooring has become the norm.
Polished Concrete system is now the most popular flooring system in the world.
Polished Concrete floors are more hygienic, easier to maintain and a lot more durable
than tiles, carpet and timber and have the lowest maintenance cost..
The old systems of applying sealers onto concrete is obsolete and
the new technology today is called Densification .
Densificaiton is a system of chemically modifying
& hardening the existing concrete floor . Not all densifiers work well and
one only needs to look at some of
our larger retail floors to see how some of the lower grades of densifiers have not performed over 5 or 10 years.
A properly Densifified
(hardened floor) floor will
be harder than any other material and so much more durable that it will last
indefinitely when maintained correctly.
The best Densification system is chemically modified
potassium as it reacts the best with concrete and
produces the hardest floors.
With added unique extra
chemicals polished concrete t can be
stain proof as well.
When polishing concrete it is important also to have flat floors.
The flatter the floor the higher the reflection.
There are different types of finishes which can be achieved such
as fully exposed, semi exposed and also none exposed finishes.
Using a professional Polished Concreter, with experience and the
correct equipment will
produce the best results.
Polished Concrete floors are used in Major chains, individual
outlets for Retail, Grocery, Automotive, Hardware Centers , Restaurants, Box Stores & homes.
All these have switched their concept of flooring from Tile,
Carpet and Wood to Polished Concrete.
Old floors can be turned into new durable floors, even that old
garage floor could be turned into your next family room by polishing the
exiting concrete.
Old warehouses can look as good as new with a quality Polished Concrete floor.
Cracked floors can be repaired with Fusion which is unique
and is the most durable.
You can also use Polished Concrete on external floors and produce the correct slip co efficiency.
So next time you are in Sydney visit “the Polished Concrete Showroom”
at 113 Baxter Road Mascot (open mon to fri 8am to 4pm) and see our
display of different finishes and color concrete floors or just go to our web site
You are welcome to call Ivan for any technical help and or quotes
across Australia , Asia & New
Zealand .Ivan 0403046038
Despite these enticing characteristics, we nevertheless warn that people to make an informed decision when opting in favour of polished concrete flooring. Polished Concrete